Blackened faces due to UV rays?
Dirty faces because freckles!!!
Face that dull due to the effects of darkning?
We provide for you who want the skin bright and clean
Whitening products that also moisturizes skin
Wajah yang menghitam akibat sinar UV?
Wajah yang kotor karena noda hitam!!!
Wjah yang kusam karena efek darkning?
Kami siapkan untuk kamu yang ingin kulit cerah dan bersih
Produk - produk whitening yang juga melembabkan kulit
[SKINFOOD] Platinum Grape Cell Cream (whitening & anti wrinkle) 55g
IDR 344.000
click image for larger image
Premium cream, making the skin slack and dullbe shining and blusterous. A cream that received a certificate of whitening and anti wrinkle. Suitable for all skin type.
content : grape cells and white gold.
Cara pemakaian : setelah memakai emulsion, oleskan ke seluruh wajah dengan pijatan zigzag hingga krim menyerap ke kulit.
[SKINFOOD] Platinum Grape Cell White Cream (whitening & anti wrinkle) 55g
IDR 320.000
[SKINFOOD] Platinum Grape Cell Cream (whitening & anti wrinkle) 55g
IDR 344.000
click image for larger image
Premium cream, making the skin slack and dullbe shining and blusterous. A cream that received a certificate of whitening and anti wrinkle. Suitable for all skin type.
content : grape cells and white gold.
Cara pemakaian : setelah memakai emulsion, oleskan ke seluruh wajah dengan pijatan zigzag hingga krim menyerap ke kulit.
[SKINFOOD] Platinum Grape Cell White Cream (whitening & anti wrinkle) 55g
IDR 320.000
click image for larger image
Dull skin tone, freckles and skin slack, whitening cream who got a certificate. Suitable for all skin type
Content : grape cell and white gold.
Cara pemakaian : setelah memakai emulsion, oleskan ke seluruh wajah dengan pijatan zigzag hingga krim menyerap ke kulit.
[THE FACE SHOP] Myeonghan Miindo Heaven Grade Gingseng Whitening Essence 45ml
IDR 320.000
click image for larger image
Extract white ginseng that shine like pearl, makes skin brighter, whiten, and remove stain on the skin. Suitable for all skin type. Use in the morning and night after using toner.
Cara pemakaian : gunakan pada pagi dan malam hari setelah memakai toner, pompakan 2-3 kali. Usapkan ke seluruh wajah.
[ETUDE HOUSE] White Moistfull Cream 50ml
IDR 191.000
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Whitening product that are moist, whiten and brighten. Contains : rose hip oil, pearl and the baobap tree which are rich in moisture. Suitable for all skin type. After using lotion, on the final stage base care apply cream throughout all the face and than massaged slowly to seep into the skin.
Cara pemakaian : setelah menggunakan lotion, pada tahap akhir base care oleskan krim keseluruh wajah sambil dipijat perlahan agar meresap ke dalam kulit.
[SKINFOOD] Gold Kiwi Basic Set (toner 150ml+emulsion 150ml+cream 50ml) - whitening
IDR 490.000
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Made of gold kiwi that serves hold the UV, thus making the white skin radiant and smooth. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian :
1. Usapkan gold kiwi toner setelah mencuci muka ke seluruh wajah atau tuangkan pada kapas lalu tepuk perlahan ke wajah.
2. Setelah memakai toner, tuangkan emulsion ke telapaj tangan, lalu oleskan ke seluruh wajah sambil dipijat perlahan.
3. Setelah memakai emulsion, oleskan krim ke seluruh wajah sambil dipijat perlahan agar menyerap ke dalam kulit.
[Innisfree] White C Pore Double Serum 30ml
IDR 371.000
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Dual function : whiten and taking care of the pores. Contains : organic orange from jeju island and mint. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : gunakan pada tahap akhir perawatan wajah.
[Innisfree] Eco Science White C Double Serum 30ml
IDR 361.000
click image for larger image
Contains : Vit. C 4 times of orange from jeju island, dual function of green tea, whiten and moisturizing. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : gunakan setengah dari essence biasa. Gunakan hanya sekali pompa untuk semua bagian wajah.
[SKINFOOD] Blanc Pearl Caviar Cream (whitening+anti wrinkle) 50g
IDR 410.000
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Extract pearl, white complex, caviar's rich in nutrients, making the skin bright and blusterous. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : ambil krim menggunakan spatula, lalu oleskan pada seluruh wajah sambil dipijat perlahan hingga meresap ke kulit atau gunakan spatula untuk memijat kulit.
[SKINFOOD] Broccoli Whitening Ampoule 40ml
IDR 160.000
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Containing 83% extract broccoli, bleach ampule that makes face look pure white. Suitable for all skin type. After using toner.
Cara pemakaian : gunakan secukupnya pada seluruh wajah setelah menggunakan toner.
[ETUDE HOUSE] Go Back Firming Serum 40ml
IDR 350.000
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Restore vitality of skin that is weakening and tired, boosting serum that make the content of nutrient is absorbed perfect to the skin. Make the skin moist and smooth without feeling sticky and nourishes the skin.
Cara pemakaian : setelah mencuci muka pada pagi dan malam hari, tuangkan 2-3 tetes pada telapak tangan lalu usapkan keseluruh wajah mulai dari bagian dalam kearah luar dan pijit perlahan agar menyerap ke dalam kulit.
[Lioele] AC Control White Spot Cream 12ml
IDR 192.000
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The skin whitening effect after acne, skin care, reducing flecks and black spots on the face. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : sebelum memakai buka tutup transparannya. Bagian ujung silikon tidak boleh dipegang karena merupakan tempat keluar cairan. Setelah pemakaian kunci kembali untuk mencegah udara masuk.
[Lieole] Under The Eye Light Concealer 8,5ml
IDR 162.000
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click image for larger image
Concealer for under eyes, cover with soft and fresh with essences, remove freckles and brightens your skin, quick brush applicator is practical, handy type so it can be used anywhere. Moisturize your skin. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : setelah membuka tutup, tekan tube perlahan. (ketika pertama kali membuka tutup, bisa saja isi tidak keluar, jika menekan terlalu keras isi bisa keluar terlalu banyak) Oleskan pada bawah mata sedikit saja seperti memberi titik. Gunakan finger tip untuk meratakan.
[Lioele] Pure White Cream 50ml
IDR 301.000
click image for larger image
Remove freckles and uneven skin tone, moisture balance, creating a glowing skin (moisturizing + whitening + caring), mild and gentle, soothing skin. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : setelah memakai essence, oleskan krim keseluruh wajah sambil dipijat perlahan hingga menyerap.
[Lioele] Active Therapy Ampule (whitening) 20ml
IDR 166.000
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Whitening, brigtening, ampule from natural materials, creating glowing skin, moisturise skin, equalize the skin color and tighten the skin. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : setelah memakai skin/ toner tuangkan 2-3 tetes ke telapak tangan lalu oleskan ke seluruh wajah dengan lembut, setelah itu tekan - tekan wajah menggunakan telapak tangan hingga ampule menyerap ke kulit.
[Lioele] Under The Eye Light Cream 30ml
IDR 185.000
click image for larger image
click image for larger image
Remove dark circle, take care for the skin around the eye pouches and moisturising, with soothing effect, double whitening, moisturizing immediately after use, making the skin smooth. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : oleskan setiap pagi dan malam hari setelah penggunaan skin toner. Tuang sebesar biji mutiara pada ujung jari tangan dan oleskan merata pada daerah sekitar mata.
[Lioele] Pure White Essence 40ml
IDR 301.000
click image for larger image
Remove freckles and skin color, glowing and healthy skin, moisturize balance, soothing skin. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : setelah menggunakan emulsion/lotion, oleskan ke seluruh wajah sambil dipijat lembut hingga menyerap.
[TONYMOLY] Floria Whitening Capsule Essence 50ml
IDR 250.000
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Whitening and give lighten on the skin and provides a soft moisture. Suitable for all skin type.
Cara pemakaian : oleskan secukupnya ke seluruh wajah lalu tepuk - tepuk perlahan hingga menyerap ke dalam kulit.
That's all! If you have any question or you want to order, please kindly notice us through email :D thx
Hepi shopping :)
Beaute 'n Things