Thursday, 25 April 2013

Sparkling Hair, Edge Style! for boy and girl or men and women by ETUDE HOUSE

Rambut yang berkilau......

Gaya yang Edge!!!

[ETUDE HOUSE] Moment st. Shiny Dandy Wax 65g
IDR 95.000
click image for larger image

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For short to medium length hair "soft and shine". SHINEE use this wax everyday for their hairstyle "a neat hair with bangs. For look neat and simple haristyle. 
Cara pemakaian : gunakan ujung jari untuk mengambil wax dan tata rambut.
Remas - remas rambut bagian belakang hingga terlihat bervolume.

[ETUDE HOUSE] Moment st. Matte Mohican Wax 65g
IDR 95.000
click image for larger image

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For short to medium length hair "matte". The mohican / mohawk hair that are straight but short on the side.
Cara pemakaian :
1. Gunakan ujung jari untuk mengambil wax dan tata rambut.
2. Kumpulkan rambut ditengah untuk gaya mohican / mohawk.

[ETUDE HOUSE] Moment st. Natural Two Cut Wax 65g
IDR 95.000
click image for larger image

click image for larger image

For medium to long length hair "volume". Hard wax with a soft type.
Cara pemakaian :
1. Gunakan ujung jari untuk mengambil wax dan tata rambut.
Remas - remas rambut bagian belakang hingga terlihar bervolume.
2. Untuk tampilan natural two cut, buat poni miring samping.

[ETUDE HOUSE] Hot Style Bubble Hair Coloring
IDR 84.000
click image for larger image

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Small foam layer, without the irritating smell of ammonia, the content of a flower that can take care your hair. Available 7 colors : black, dark brown, natural brown, wine red, orange, gold blonde and mocha pink.
Cara pemakaian :
1. Campurkan bahan 1 (30ml) dan bahan 2 (50ml) ke dalam botol lalu kocok.
2. Pompa hingga busa keluar.
3. Usapkan busa pada seluruh bagian rambut.
4. Usapkan seperti memakai shampoo, diamkan 30menit lalu bilas dengan air.

That's all! If you have any question or you want to order, please

kindly notice us through email :D thx

Hepi shopping :)

Beaute 'n Things